What Is Samadhi ?


Samadhi is the ultimate state of being, the ultimate flowering of consciousness. Man lives in the mind, animals live below the mind. Samadhi is the state above the mind where thinking disappears, and with the thinking, all wavering of consciousness disappears also.

Thinking is like ripples in a lake, and because of the ripples, the reflection cannot be true; the moon is reflected but the ripples distort it. God is reflected in everybody, we mirror him, but our mind is so full of thoughts, wavering, clouds, that whatsoever we come to see is no more the same; it is not that which is. The mind has imposed its own thoughts upon it, it has interpreted it, and all interpretation is a distortion. Reality needs no interpretation; it needs only reflection. There is no point in interpreting, the interpreter goes on missing the point.

If you see a rose flower, it is there: there is no need to interpret it, there is no need to dissect it, there is no need to know about its meaning. It is its meaning. It is not a metaphor, it does not stand for something else. It is simply there! It is reality, it is not a symbol. A symbol needs to be interpreted, a dream needs to be interpreted. So psychoanalysis is right because it goes on interpreting the dreams, but philosophers are not right because they go on interpreting the reality. A dream is symbolic: it stands for something else; an interpretation may be helpful to find out what it stands for. But a rose flower is a rose flower; it stands only for itself. It does not indicate anything else, it is not an arrow towards anything else; it is self-evident.

So is reality, but our mind is in the habit of interpreting. Thinking is nothing but a habit of interpreting. When thinking disappears the lake is silent, calm and quiet. Then there are no more waves, no more ripples – nothing is distorted: the moon is reflected perfectly.

So samadhi means the ultimate state of pure reflection, and raka means moonlight. Moonlight reflected in pure consciousness – that is the meaning of your name.
